Pygora Fleece Show
2025 SAFF Handcrafter’s Pygora Fleece Show
The emphasis of this show is the suitability of fleeces for handspinning and all fleeces will be judges on this basis. SAFF’s goal is to provide a market for the small, or new producer as well as the larger one. We strive to create an atmosphere that emphasizes an exchange of knowledge for the producer and the spinner alike. Judging is open to all SAFF attendees and everyone is encouraged to watch and listen.
- Show, Sale, and Fleece Check in will be in the McGough Building.
- Fleeces will be judged Friday, October 24 starting at 1:00 pm.
- Show Fleece Check-In is Thursday, October 23 from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm. No show fleeces will be accepted on Friday. No exceptions.
- Sale Only Fleece Check-In is Thursday, October 23 from 9:00 am, to 7:30 pm
- Fleeces may be mailed for entry. See Show rules.
- All fleece must be picked up by 6:00 pm Saturday, October 25.
NEW RULES AND CHANGE: Show only fleeces are no longer allowed, and pricing changed in order to help better fund the show and reflect pricing in other major fiber festivals.
LINKS: Manual Entry Form
Saff 2025 Handspinner’s Pygora Fleece Show Rules
Show Logistics
- NEW RULE– Fleeces must be entered into Show and Sale. Show only fleeces are no longer accepted. Pick up fleeces by 6:00 pm Saturday
- Fees: Online Registration prior to October 1, $7 per fleece. On-site registration $10 per fleece.
- Pricing for Show/Sale: Sale price is set by the entrant, it should be expressed as price for entire whole or half fleece and should be marked up by 15% commission collected by SAFF. SAFF will not calculate fleece price, nor sell increments of fiber from an individual fleece. See the FAQ’s for Fleece Producers for more information
- Methods of Entry:
- Mail in Registration: using Manual Entry Form-“fiber type”. Registration must be received by October 1, 2025. Priority processing at drop-off.
- Online Registration: (PLEASE READ DROP DOWN WHEN YOU CLICK ON ONLINE REGISTRATION) priority processing at fleece drop-off. Online Registration will cease operation at 11:00 pm October 1, 2025. After October 1 registration must occur onsite and increased fees will apply.
- Onsite Registration: by bringing a filled out Manual Entry Form-“fiber type” to the McGough Building. These fleeces have lowest priority, expect a long wait and increased fees to $10.
Mail to: Beverly VanHook-Schrey, Mountain Meadow Farm, 2367 Addington Bridge Road, Franklin, NC 28734
Email to:
- Drop-off:
- All Fleeces must be dropped off at the McGough Building on Thursday between 9:00 am- 7:30 pm. Fleeces for Show must be dropped off on Thursday. No exceptions.
- Mail-in Drop Off: Fleeces may be mailed/shipped to Beverly VanHook-Schrey at the above address. They must be received no later than October 1st. They can be preregistered online or accompanied by a printed Manual Entry Form for their fiber type. Fleeces must be picked up onsite, or must pre-arrange mail/ship return with Beverly VanHook-Schrey if they are not sold. Return cost will be at the producer’s expense.
- Fleece Acceptance: The Fleece Sale Manager reserves the right to pull from the Show or Sale any fleeces with rot, breaks, pests, felting or other serious problems at any time during the show. We also reserve the right to arrange, group, and reclass fleece as appropriate and necessary. We also reserve the right to notate sales tag for any discovered observations and outright pull any fleece from the show for any reason without refund.
- Fleece pick up: Entrants must pick up unsold fleeces by 6:00 pm on Saturday. Unsold fleece can be picked up during the show at any time. Please see Fleece Show Staff for check out.
- Fleece NOT picked up: Any fleece not claimed by 6:00 pm Saturday, will become property of SAFF.
- Responsibility: SAFF is ultimately not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged fleeces.
- Price Changes: Fleece sale price may be changed at the Producer’s discretion. See Mohair Show Superintendent for Price Change Form. We do not encourage price increases once show has begun. On-Site changes can be made at the time of drop-off without forms.
- Refunds: Registration fees are non-refundable
Show Rules
Fleece Presentation:
Most be full fleece from one animal; including belly, leg, and neck fiber if it meets criteria of properly skirted (below). If Show/Sale fleece, may not be split in half by SAFF or the producer after competition. Must be sold as full fleece.
Fleeces must be:
- From the current 2025 clip.
- Represent no more than 12 months growth.
- Properly skirted—Free of vegetable matter, chaff, burrs, bugs, manure tags, cotted or matted locks, second cuts and excessively dirty fleece. CAUTION: Fleece is also judged on yield.
- Not Washed: No Washed Fleeces will be Accepted.
- Not tied in any way
- Must be properly placed in a clear plastic bag (available for sale at the desk) to be presented for show. Pygora fleeces do not have to be rolled.
- Have no other identifying marks on or in bag other than SAFF tags and identification.
- Show/Sale fleece may have promotional material in an unmarked, blank envelope in the fleece bag. Fleece Show Staff will display this material after the competition when fleece is put out for sale.
In addition, according to PBA Rules:
Fleece Regulations
1. For sanctioned doe, buck, or wether shows, goats 1 year and older (kids under one year are excluded from this requirement) may be shown with fleece “on the goat” or “in the box”. Only one fleece per animal may be shown in any one show. If the goat has regrown some fleece, it is the decision of the exhibitor which fleece, “on the goat” or “in the box” will be judged.
2. For sanctioned doe, buck, wether or fleece shows, all fleece, whether “in the box” or “on the goat” must be shown in its natural state so the natural characteristics (style, finish, handle, luster) can be felt and seen to be properly evaluated by the judge. Fleeces “in the box” or “on the goat” that have been washed with products that remove any of the natural characteristics, fleeces that have been dehaired, or goats that have been over groomed and brushed so the natural style (curls) are removed, will be penalized the same as under groomed or extremely dirty fleeces and goats.
3. For sanctioned doe, buck, wether or fleece shows, all fleeces shown “in the box” must have
a. Been harvested within one year of the show date. The harvest date must be clearly marked next to the entry number.
b. Have its weight clearly marked next to the entry number. In a tie breaker situation preference will be given to the fleece with greater yield. Method of harvest and fleece type must be considered when calculating greatest yield.
c. May be harvested by shearing, plucking, or combing.
4. For all senior bucks “out of fleece” or entered in fleece shows will be represented by a one ounce sample taken from the bucks barrel and placed in a zip-lock bag with the date of harvest written on it. The sample must have been harvested within one year of the show date. A colored, side view picture of the buck in full fleece must accompany the fleece sample.
For Doe Fleeces
–A copy of the goat’s PBA registration papers must be included for each entry.
–Label the box or bag with the date of harvest, fleece weight, fleece type and method of harvest. If you comb or pluck, record the start and stop dates as the fleece will not release all at once.
For Buck Fleeces
–A copy of the goat’s registration PBA papers must be included for each entry.
–A one 1-ounce sample of fleece harvested from the buck’s barrel in a ziplock bag with the harvest date written on the bag.
–A color side-view photo of the buck in full fleece.
–The buck’s total fleece weight must be written on the ziplock bag containing the fleece sample.
- Each fleece may be entered in only one class.
- Fleece entries are limited two fleeces per class per Producer with a total overall limit of 7 fleeces per Producer entered in show.
- Classes may be formed, eliminated or combined and awards given at the discretion of the judge. Judge may move a fleece to another class if deemed appropriate. If Judge does move a fleece to another class that results in having 3 fleeces from the same producer in the same class, the producer is still only eligible for two(2) awards in that class. The third lowest ranking fleece will be dropped.
- Judging Criteria – All show fleeces will be judged on the basis of handspinning quality and character, stressing the following:
- Fineness of fiber: uniform throughout fleece.
- Feel and Handle: Amount of course fiber, kemp, or medullated fiber.
Staple Length: Evenness throughout fleece. - Twist and Crimp: well defined and uniform.
- Strength: No faults or breaks.
- Appearance: Brightness, luster, amount of grease.
- Yield and Density: Compactness of fleece combined with length equal weight of fleece. Higher yielding fleeces most desirable.
- Ribbons and premiums will be awarded to winners of each class as follows. For a complete list of classes, see below.
- 1st place-blue ribbon, $20 premium
- 2nd place-red ribbon, $15 premium
- 3rd place-white ribbon, $10 premium
- Reserve Grand Champion Pygora fleece will receive a ribbon and $35 premium; Grand Champion Pygora fleece will receive a ribbon and $50 premium.
- Premium Awards will be paid out by check and mailed within 30 days after show ends.
- Judging remarks, and ribbons will be given to Producer at checkout/pick up. Judging remarks will also be posted on Producers Fleece registration after the show. Show Winner Results will be posted on the SAFF website following show.
Pygora Classes
Doe Division Fleece Classes
300 – Junior Doe < 1 year
301 –Senior Doe 1+ to 2 year
302 – Senior Doe 2+ to 4 years
303 – Senior Doe 4+ years
Buck Division Fleece Classes
304 – Junior Buck < 1 year
305 – Senior Buck 1+ to 2 years
306 – Senior Buck 2+ to 4 years
307 – Senior Buck 4+ years
Wether Division Fleece Classes
308 – Junior Wether < 1 year
309 – Senior Wether 1+ to 2 years
310 – Senior Wether 2+ to 4 yrs
311 – Senior Wether 4+ years