2 Ounce Alpaca/Llama Fleece Show
2018 SAFF Handcrafters’ Camelid 2 Ounce Fleece Show
The emphasis of this show is the suitability of the camelid fleece for hand spinning. All fleeces will be judged on this
basis. The competition is to focus on SAFF’s goal is to provide a market for the small, or new, producer as well as
the large one. Striving to create an atmosphere that emphasis an exchange of feedback / knowledge for the
Producer and the Spinner alike.
Judging is an open format. All SAFF attendees are encouraged to watch and listen.
Results and fleece samples will be on display for the entire duration of the show.
Fleeces will be judged beginning on Friday, October 26th. Mail-in entries are encouraged and welcome. Return
mailings must include pre paid postage with submission of entries. All fleeces must be picked up by 5 p.m., October
28th. Mailed – in entries with scorecards and awards will be returned no later than two weeks after the close of the
Two ounce fleece sample of camelid origin to be judged onsite. NO FIBER WILL BE SPUN, this is a raw fleece show.
Awards will be given per division based on final written scorecard results. All rules below apply. Any fiber found to
have parasites will be disqualified.
Fee: $10 per entry. Check made out to SAFF
SAFF 2018 2 ounce AlpacaLlama Fleece Show Entry Form.
Registrations and Mailed in Fiber MUST BE RECEIVED by October 18th. Include a copy of the registration form to identify your entries.
Mail to: SAFF 2oz. Fleece Show, Fallon Newell, 949 Calvert Road, Brevard, NC 28712 Email to: fleeceshow@saffsite.org
On site registration, fiber drop off. Fiber to arrive between 3 p.m. and no later than 6 p.m. Thursday, October 25th. No
late entries will be accepted.
SAFF is ultimately not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged fleeces. We reserve the right to arrange, group, and
re-class fleece as appropriate and necessary.
Entrants must pick up fleece entries by 5:00 pm on Sunday October 28th, 2018. Any fiber scheduled for pickup and
not claimed or scheduled for mail back will become the property of SAFF.
Show Rules:
All show fleeces will be judged on the basis of handspinning quality and character, stressing cleanliness, strength and
Fleece Presentation:
The two ounce fiber sample must be one animal of camelid origin.
Minimum Fleece length of 2.5 inches staple length. Fleeces with less than 2.5 inches will be severely penalized.
Must be from the current (2017-2018) shearing and represent no more than fifteen months of growth. Over 15
months will be disqualified*. *Suri will be the exception with up to 24 months growth for entry under 30 months
of age.
Maximum Fleece Length – No maximum
Properly skirted – free of Vegetable Matter, (chaff, burrs, bugs, manure tags, cotted or matted locks, second
cuts, keds, etc.). As clean as possible.
Fiber with parasites will be disqualified.
Should be placed in a clear gallon sized ziplock plastic bag and have no other identifying marks on or in bag
other than SAFF tags and identification. DO NOT WRITE ON THE BAG!
Fleeces must be entered in the name of the actual producer who is responsible for ensuring all entry forms are
filled out completely and the fiber is presented ready for show.
Fleece Class Formation
All classes shall be organized by Breed, Color Groups, then Age.
Color Groupings
Pure White – hue of the overall fiber sample is pure white
Light – hue of the overall fiber sample is light colored, or white based
Medium – hue of the overall fiber sample is medium colored or fawn based
Dark – hue of the overall fiber sample is dark colored or brown/black based
Grey/Variegated – hue of the overall fiber sample is grey – or a mix of colors
Breed groupings
Alpaca: Huacaya , Alpaca Suri, Llama, Suri Llama, Other Camelid
Gender groupings
All compete together regardless of gender
Age groupings
Weanling: Age 6 mo to 12 mo
Yearling: Age 12.1 mo to 24 mo
Prime: Age 24.1 mo to 36 mo
Adult: Age 36.1 mo +
Each fleece may be entered in only one class. Classes will be based on breed, age, and color.
Judge or Superintendent may disqualify any fleece from the show. Explanation will be noted.
Classes may be formed, eliminated or combined and awards given at the discretion of the judge.
Class sizes will be a maximum of 10; when class size exceeds the maximum 10 it shall be split equally by birth-date –
oldest to youngest.
In order for a fiber sample to achieve a first place award in a class the judge must award a MINIMUM score of 60
points. If no fleece in a class accumulates the minimum of 60 points, the class shall begin with a second place award.
Ribbons shall be awarded to 6th place. Champion and Reserve will be selected per breed group if entries are at least 10
per group.
Judging remarks and ribbons will be given to Producer at checkout/pickup/mailback. Show Winner Results will be
posted on the SAFF website following show.
The fiber scorecard is as follows:
Uniformity/Consistency of micron 15
Fineness 15
Uniformity/Consistency of staple length 10
Primary to Secondary Ratio (no halo) 15
Brightness / Luster 10
First Impression 5
Uniform crimp expression within its style 5
Ease of Preparation / Cleanliness 5
Minimum Staple Length Requirement Met 5
Champion and Reserve will be selected per breed group if entries are at least 10 per group.
One championship class per Breed.
Champion minimum score: 65
All first and second place alpacas in their respective breed and color group shall compete for the
championship – highest score wins. Tiebreaker will be the higher Fineness score.
Longevity of Fineness Specialty Award
One Specialty Award Per Breed
All 1st and 2nd placing fleeces in the 60+ month age category will compete.
Highest fineness score wins award.
Ties will be broken by age, oldest entry will win.
Spinners Dream Specialty Award
All entries that have been entered qualify to win this award. Judge’s choice on the chosen winner.